Document Type : Original research study


1 Ph. D. Student of Motor Learning, Kharazmi University of Tehran

2 Professor of Motor Behavior and Sports Psychology, University of Tabriz

3 Assistant Professor of Motor Behavior, Kharazmi University of Tehran


The purpose of this study was to determine a relationship between intelligent quotient and motor proficiency and comparing motor proficiency in different age categories. Population was seven to 10 years old boys and 12-15 male students and also 18-21 male students from Tehran University. Sample was 120 people in each age group that were chosen by cluster sampling. Results showed that relationship between motor proficiency and intelligence quotients in children and adolescence is high but in youth is very low and youth motor proficiency average is lower than children adolescence. Therefore, it could be argued that IQ is associated with motor proficiency but this relationship is varied at different ages of course more researches are needed in this field. 


Main Subjects

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