Document Type : Original research study


In sport psychophysiological research, skin conductance level (SCL) and heart rate (HR) used as indices of arousal and vigilance, and their cogency have been approved in skills with high cognitive load. However, the HR and SCL profiles are not clear in high intensity skills with little cognitive load. In the present study, HR and SCL of 15 elite and 16 novice volleyball players were continuously recorded during 10 self-initiated and self-paced volleyball tennis serves. Patterns of HR and SCL during 5 seconds before serves were compared between elite and novice groups and between good and bad serves in elite group, using one way ANOVA and repeated measure ANOVA, respectively. SCL and HR were significantly higher in elite group, in which SCL and HR in good serves were higher than bad ones. The results were discussed in relation to the previous findings and current hypotheses.
