Document Type : Original research study


This study was designed to examine the process of psychological talent Identification in athletes. In order to a better understanding of psychological talent Identification and the factors that influence psychological talent Identification a battery of psychological inventories (trait anxiety, hardiness, perfectionism, optimism, trait hope, sport motivation, psychological skills and strategies,) was administered to each athlete to identify his psychological strengths. In order to psycho- personality talent Identification an exploratory factor analysis method was used for gathering data to summarize and determine principal factors. The statistical sample of this research consisted of 200 athletes that were randomly selected from different sports. The data analysis with varimax rotation   showed that psychological parameters were summarized and classified in two categories; First factors include three constructs (mental skills, optimism, and hope) and second factors include two constructs (hardiness and hope).These factors accounted for 57.9 % of the variance.
