Document Type : Original research study


The purpose of this study is comparing the general health of the active and inactive male students in secondary schools of Urmia City. The statistical society of this research includes all male students in secondary schools of Urmia City, of which 6 schools are cluster randomly selected and 370 students are chosen simply randomly of them (192 inactive and 178 active). A questionnaire of 28 questions general health, GHQ (Goldburg and Hiller,Taghavi, 2001) was used. To compare the mental health of the active and inactive people and the sub scales of them, the U Mann-Whitney test is used in a meaningful level of p< 0.05. The results of the U Mann-Whitney test showed that the public health and the sub scales of it (the physical signs, stress, the disorders of social operations and depression) among the inactive and active students hold meaningful differences. As the students are the coming generation of the country and the future of the country are deeply connected to the, the public health and also the mental health of them in many aspects of sporting or physical activities could guaranty the advance of them in many fields.
