Document Type : Original research study


1 University of Tehran

2 university of tehran


The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of perceived organizational support for students on sport burnout due to the mediating role of psychological capital in them. The research method was descriptive correlation, which was done by structural equation method. The statistical population of the study were 261 students, all of whom were high school students in the physical education center of Alborz province that had been selected by a preliminary study. Data were collected by psychological capital questionnaires, sport burnout and perceived organizational support. The validity of the tools used for gathering data were confirmed by experts and its reliability was confirmed using Cronbach's alpha. Statistical analysis was performed using two methods descriptive and inferential. The results showed that perceived organizational support, either directly or indirectly, through psychological capital, had a negative effect on sport deprivation. Therefore, teachers and sport trainers and parents of the students can act as an important factor in preventing students' sport burnout.


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