Document Type : Original research study


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Clinical Psychhology

2 M.A of Clinical Psychology, University of Kurdistan


Muscle dysmorphia or bigorexia is an obsession with this believe that body is not sufficiently muscular. The purpose of this study was to examine the prevalence of muscle dysmorphic disorder and its relationship with psychophysiological components among male athletes referring to bodybuilding gyms in Kermanshah. The statistical population of study was all male athletes in bodybuilding gyms of Kermanshah, that among them 373 were selected based on cluster random sampling. Data were gathered by demographic questionnaires, Rosenberg self-esteem, eating attitudes test, multidimensional perfectionism scale, muscle dysmorphic disorder inventory, muscular appearance satisfaction, and body mass index. Results showed that the prevalence of muscle dysmorphic disorder among male bodybuilding athletes in Kermanshah was 25%, and the relationship between muscle dysmorphic disorder and self-esteem was significant and reversed, with eating disorders and body mass index was significant and direct, and without correlation with perfectionism.


Main Subjects

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