Document Type : Original research study


Achieving the optimal performance by athletes is due to the combinations of physical and mental preparation.  The purposes of present study were to examine the relationships between mental toughness and physical fitness and to determine the predictors of mental toughness in female students. For this reason, 85 female students (20.14±2.52 years) completed Sport Mental Toughness Questionnaire (SMTQ) (Sheard, Golby, Van Wersch, 2009) to assess confidence, consistency and control subscales. In order to measure physical factors, Sit-up, Pull-up, Sargent, Sit and Reach, 4×9 shuttle run and 1 mile running tests were conducted. Repeated measures ANOVA indicated that there were no statistically significant differences among confidence, consistency and control subscales (P>0.05). Also, the results of Pearson correlation test revealed that there were significant correlations between confidence subscale and Shoulder girdle muscles, leg muscles power, aerobic endurance, total physical fitness and between aerobic endurance and control subscale (P≤0.05) but no significant correlation were found among total mental toughness score and physical fitness factors (P>0.05). Finally, the results of multiple linear regression analysis in determining criterion variables (mental toughness subscales) by predictive variables (physical fitness factors) revealed that confidence and control subscales were predicted via aerobic endurance while any physical fitness factors were not entered in regression equation of stability variable. These findings suggest that combination of physical and psychological properties caused reaching peak performance in athletes.
