Document Type : Original research study


The purpose of this research was study the relationship between authoritarian and libertarian leadership styles with their athlete’s satisfaction. From 192 Iranian volleyball players participating in Iran men volleyball super league selected 93 players by cluster sampling as sample. In this research used from athletes satisfaction questionnaire of Riemer and Chelladurai (1998) and made-researcher questionnaire of coaching style. The validity of coaching style questionnaire measured by 9 experts and in pilot study, questionnaires reliability of athletes satisfaction and coaching style measured 0.89 and 0.75 respectively. In order to evaluate and compare the descriptive data used from descriptive and inferential statistical (Pearson coefficient correlation) in SPSS software and significant level p≤0/05. Results showed that there is significantly relationship between authoritarian coaching style and satisfaction from coach education and training method (r=0.41, p=0.001), team performance (r=0.25, p=0.018) and individual performance (r=0.28, p=0.008), but there is not significantly relationship between authoritarian coaching style and satisfaction from coach behavior. At against, there is not significantly relationship between libertarian and satisfaction from coach education and training method, team performance and individual performance, but there is significantly relationship between libertarian coaching style and satisfaction from coach behavior (r=0.46, p=0.001).
