Document Type : Original research study


1 motor behavior department, physical education and sport science faculty, university of Tabriz, Tabriz

2 university of Tabriz


This study aims to investigate and compare the effect of decision-making training on working memory, selective attention and performance accuracy. This semi-experimental study was conducted with pre-test and post-test method. The participants were female students from the University of Tabriz aged 19 to 25 years. Via purposeful sampling, 45 trained amateur players that were selected. These players were randomly divided into the three low complexity, high complexity decision making, and control groups. The exercise protocol was performed at 18 sessions (3 weeks, 6 sessions per week) and to the exercise instructions the groups performed the exercises according (3 blocks of 20 trials per session). To evaluate selective attention, player performance accuracy and working memory, the Working Memory Capacity Tests, Strop Test, and Standard Volleyball Test were used, respectively. To investigate the normality of the data distribution, the Shapiro-Wilkes test was used. Moreover, to determine the mean difference between and within groups the analysis of variance at the significant level (P


Main Subjects

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