Document Type : Original research study
Associate Professor, Department of Physical Education, South Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
The aim of this study was to investigate the role of religious beliefs on the tendency to use energy substances in professional athletes. The present study is one of the applied researches that was conducted in the field. The method of the present study was survey. The statistical population of the present study included all professional athletes in the country in different disciplines and leagues that had high levels of active sports. Due to the uncertainty of the population size, based on the Cochran sample size formula in the uncertainty of the population, 384 people were identified as the research sample. After distributing and collecting the questionnaires, 361 questionnaires were analyzed. The results of the present study showed that religious beliefs, including belonging to the principles of religion and commitment to the branches of religion, reduce the tendency to use energetic substances in professional athletes
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