Document Type : Original research study


1 urmia university

2 Assistant Professor in Motor Behavior Faculty of sport sciences Department of Motor Behavior and Sport Management Urmia University, Urmia, Iran

3 Ph.D. student


One of the essential indicators of sports performance that can be checked during the competition is the mental state of the athletes. Negative thoughts, which are caused by the negative experiences of athletes in the past, can weaken the athlete's performance from the desired level. Coping with such thoughts, which are described as rumination, is possible by identifying and overcoming them. The present study aimed to determine the validity and reliability of the Persian version of the sports competition rumination scale in the athlete's community. Three hundred eighty-four athletes were selected in different sports fields and with different skill levels. This scale is an adapted version of the Rumination Scale, modified for sport-specific purposes, designed to measure competition-related rumination problems in athletes. It consists of eight items that capture critical features of rumination in a competitive context. (Krohler et al., 2021). Face validity and confirmatory factor analysis were used to analyze the scale's validity. For reliability analysis, ICC and Cronbach's alpha, and composite reliability were used. The results of confirmatory factor analysis and Cronbach's alpha coefficients showed that this scale supported the one-factor and eight-item structure of the original scale and confirmed its factorial validity and reliability; Therefore, the Persian version of the sports competition rumination scale has acceptable validity and reliability in Iranian athletes with different skill levels, and coaches, athletes, and researchers can use this scale.


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