Document Type : Original research study


1 motor behavior.Physical of Tehran. Tehran. Iran

2 moor behavior/physical education/ university of tehran

3 Associate Prof. University of Tehran

4 ut



the aim of this study was to investigated The effect of monitoring and outcome pressure during decision making on the visual search behavior of football players. In this study, 18 soccer players employed in the Tehran youth premier league participated. The decision making task included images of soccer simulation conditions presented by the monitor in three conditions: neutral (no pressure), outcome pressure and monitoring pressure. The result of repeated measures analysis of variance test showed a significant difference in the number of fixation and during fixation in three conditions. In addition, the Bonferroni post-hoc test showed a significant increase in mean number of fixation and mean duration fixation in outcome and monitoring pressure compared to neutral pressure.Therefore, soccer coaches are suggested to help the players in training sessions by creating pressure conditions so that they can perform better in the competition conditions by experiencing these conditions during training.


Main Subjects