Document Type : Original research study


Ph.D. in sports psychology, assistant professor and faculty member of Farhangian University, Fatemeh Al-Zahra Campus, Department of Psychology and Counselling, Farhangian University,


This study was to determine the relationship between Positive Meta-Cognitions& meta-emotion with self-determination and goal orientation in female and male athletes. Current research is correlational from the descriptive type. 307 athletes playing in 7 clubs were selected from all the athletes in Fars province by cluster sampling. Positive Meta-Cognitions& meta-emotion, self-determination, and sports goal-orientation questionnaires were performed. Pearson's correlation showed a significant positive linear correlation between Positive Meta-Cognitions &meta-emotion with self-determination and goal orientation. The curvature regression test showed the ability to predict the curvature of positive metacognition through self-determination and goal orientation better than linear regression. The multivariate regression test showed women and men have significantly different predictive relationship patterns of Positive Meta-Cognitions & meta-emotion through self-determination and goal orientation in female and male athletes. Structural equation modeling using path analysis confirmed the effect of gender on Positive Meta-Cognitions & meta-emotion with the mediation of athletes' goal orientation, and it showed that self-determination also affected Positive Meta-Cognitions & meta-emotion directly. The results show the ability to predict Positive Meta-Cognitions & meta-emotion through self-determination and goal orientation in athletes, and gender can affect Positive Meta-Cognitions & meta-emotion through the mediation of goal orientation, which can develop the self-determination theory by providing suggestions.


Main Subjects