Document Type : Original research study
1 shahid beheshti university
2 tehran. shahid beheshti university
3 beheshti univeristy
The purpose of this research is to determine the psychological characteristics and skills of the women of Iran's national karate team in the three stages of elite initiation, elite development, and elite mastery. The current research was a mixed (qualitative-quantitative) type of study. In this research, information was collected through interviews, participation in the workshop, and the presentation of a checklist for prioritizing psychological skills, which was completed by interviewing athletes at the initiation stage of elite by their mothers and at the stage of elite development and mastery by the elite athletes themselves. became Thematic data analysis was used to analyze and interpret the data. Also, the sampling of this research continued until reaching the theoretical saturation stage, in which 22 athletes of the women's national karate team participated, who were divided into three groups. These three groups included the first group of elite starting stage including 10 mothers and daughters, the second group of six athletes at the level of elite development, the third group of six elite athletes at the level of elite mastery. The results of the thematic analysis of the interviews related to the starting group indicate the achievement of the main theme of "creating a foundation of psychological characteristics". in the second group results of the interviews indicated achievement of main theme of " development of skills performance". The results of the analysis interviews related to the mastery group indicated the achievement of the theme of " improvement of psychological skills focused on performance".
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