Document Type : Original research


1 Faculty of Sports Sciences, Imam Reza International University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran

2 Imam Reza International University

3 Professor of Imam Hossein University, Tehran, Iran


Purpose: Mental skill is necessary for all sports, especially record sports such as weightlifting. The purpose of this research was to study mental skills in elite weightlifters.
Methods: This research was of a mixed qualitative and quantitative type. Semi-structured in-depth interviews were used to identify indicators. Finally, 9 interviews were conducted and theoretical saturation was achieved. After identifying the indicators, a questionnaire was prepared for quantitative measurement. Also, in order to rank and compare the components, hierarchical analysis and independent t-test were used respectively.
Results: After analyzing the interviews, 22 open codes were obtained in the form of 5 central codes and 2 selective codes. In order to rank the components and measure each component in the next research, it was necessary to prepare a questionnaire. For this purpose, the questionnaire was given to 58 elite weightlifters and sports psychologists, and the results showed that the questionnaire of mental skills in elite weightlifters has good fit indices. The most important components were motivation, self-confidence, concentration, goal selection and mental imagery in men and self-confidence, motivation, goal selection, concentration and mental imagery in men. also; A significant difference was observed between male and female elite weightlifters in the components of mental training.
Conclusion: The use of mental skills techniques in an expert manner in all six weightlifting movements, especially in the last movement, makes this group of weightlifters successful.


Main Subjects