Document Type : Original research


1 PhD, Motor Behavior, Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, Isfahan Branch (Khorasgan), Islamic Azad University of Isfahan, Iran.

2 Department of Sport Psychology, Sport Sciences Research Institute, Tehran, Iran.


In adolescent sports, parents play an important role in learning new skills, enjoying sports, and motivating participation. The aim of the present study was to develop an educational program to develop life skills, enhance the enjoyment of football in adolescents, and examine the importance of parental behaviour’s adolescent soccer players. The participants of this study included 30 parents (fathers or mothers) and 2 coaches from a soccer academy. This study was conducted using an action research method and a qualitative approach. Data were collected through reflective diaries, observations, researcher notes, informal conversations with the coach, and semi-structured interviews with the coach and parents. Qualitative content analysis was used to analyse the data. The results of the study point to four main categories including establishing interpersonal relationships, creative thinking, critical thinking, and coping skills. The findings showed that the training program led to positive changes in the ability of parents to provide informational support to their children, improve life skills, and develop their personal skills. This research shows that even experienced parents need to strengthen life skills through self-education to more effectively support their children.


Main Subjects