Document Type : Original research study


Asistant Professor of Kharazmi Univercity


The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of different mood on implicit motor learning in a homogeneous people with low trait anxiety. The sample consisted of 75 male student volunteers from the University of Kharazmi with low trait anxiety that were randomly divided into three groups of positive, negative and neutral mood. In first, all subjects were introduced to positive, negative and neutral conditions by the International Affective Pictures System and after that they practiced the standard mirror-tracing apparatus task within a block of 10 trials. The retention test included 4 trials from the same task. The results revealed that performance time and error rate of positive mood group in retention phase was better than two groups (P>0.05). This research confirmed the moderating role of emotion in implicit motor learning and was found Individuals with low trait anxiety gain more benefits from positive mood in learning conditions.


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