Document Type : Original research study


The purpose of this study was to investigate the role of coping strategies in competitive anxiety and self-confidence of Wushu athletes. 107 questionnaires were completed by athletes. In this study, The Persian version of competitive state anxiety inventory-2 was used to measure cognitive anxiety, somatic anxiety and self-confidence also the Persian version of coping strategies questionnaire was utilized to assess athlete's strategies. Data were analyzed by using multivariate regression and Pearson correlation tests. The results showed that correlation between task and emotion orientation strategies with somatic-cognitive anxiety and task orientation strategies with self-confidence was significant. Also, multiple regression analysis showed that task and emotion orientation strategies predict %53 variations of somatic anxiety, % 63 variations of cognitive anxiety and % 65 variations of self-confidence. According to results, task orientation strategies reduce cognitive- somatic anxiety and increase self-confidence but emotion orientation strategies have inverse influence.


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