Document Type : Original research study


1 M.Sc. of Morot behavior, Kharazmi University

2 Assistant Professor, Kharazmi University

3 Professor, Kharazmi University


The aim of this research was to determine the intermediate role of religious orientation between physical activity level and physical self-concept. The population of this research, which had a descriptive correlational method, included all 15-18 years old boy students in the city of Ardakan. From this population, 102 people were selected by cluster sampling method.
Results showed that there is a significant positive relationship between physical activity level and physical self-concept.  According to the structural equation modelling, it had been showed that religious orientation does not play a mediating role between the level of physical activity and physical self-concept. With regard to the relationship between physical activity and physical self-concept, determination of the role of religious orientation with variables such as age and gender is necessary.



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