Document Type : Original research study


1 Department of Physical Education, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Payame Noor University,

3 MA in Sport Management, Urmia, West Azerbaijan, Iran


The purpose of this study was to determine the structural relationships of coaching efficacy, players' self-efficacy, and collective efficacy in female professional basketball teams. To this aim, 128 individuals (12 head coaches and 116 players) from members of female basketball professional teams were completed coaching efficacy scale, self-efficacy scale, and collective efficacy questionnaire for sport. Results shaowed that the direct effects of coaching efficacy on players’ self-efficacy and collective efficacy were not significant, and players’ self-efficacy have a direct and negative effect on collective efficacy. Based on the results, the conceptual model of coaching efficacy is not supported by collected data from female professional basketball teams. To revise and extend this conceptual model, the possibility of existence of mediating variables in relationship of coaching efficacy with team variables is discussed.


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