Document Type : Original research


1 university of tehran

2 professor assistant of sport management, university of tehran

3 university of Tehran


The present study was conducted to investigate the role of shared leadership on team commitment of the Iranian professional handball players mediated by psychological empowerment. This research was a correlational study. Statistical population of this study included all professional male handball players in adult, youth, and adolescent categories, which were about 600 people according to obtained information. Using the Morgan table, 234 individuals were identified as the participants of the study through simple random sampling. Questionnaires on shared leadership, team commitment, and psychological empowerment were distributed among the participants, out of which, 211 questionnaires were completed and used. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with covariance-based approach was used to analyze the data obtained in the present research. Results of this study showed that, shared leadership had a direct and indirect significant effect on team commitment through psychological empowerment of the Iranian professional handball players. Therefore, results of the study indicated that, multipurpose leadership has an important role in development of psychological empowerment and team commitment among the Iranian professional handball players


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