Document Type : Original research




The purpose of this study was to application of importance - performance analysis in Service Quality of Semnan province sport places based on psychological continuum model. The population of this study included all Customers of Semnan Province clubs. 402 persons of them were selected as sample by the cluster - stratified sampling method. Collected data were analyzed using One-way variance analysis, Importance-Performance Analysis (IPA) and psychological continuum model (PCM). The results showed that all aspects of service quality were concentrated in the "focus" area. Also customers who were in the Loyalty stage reported less satisfaction with the dimensions of service quality compared to the level of attraction and attachment. According to the findings of this research, managers should be sensitive to their customers' expectations and service in proportional with their expectations to increase satisfaction level. Increasing satisfaction can make people progress in psychological continuum and lead them to continuous participation.


Main Subjects

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