Document Type : Original research


1 Ph.D of Physical Education Sport Management at Azad University, Tehran South Branch

2 Ph.D. Physical Education, Sport Management Attitude, Faculty Member of Azad University, Tehran South Branch

3 department of Sport Management, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Science, South Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University


The purpose of this study was to design the attitude and orientation model of Iranian volleyball community based on optimistic and pessimistic attribution. The research method was descriptive-analytical and 288 men and women volleyball league players were selected according to Cochran formula and cluster sampling method. The instruments included self-report attribution style, Willi’s sport attitude and Gill and Dieter’s sport orientation questionnaires. Pearson correlation coefficient, Friedman, variance, Watson, Sobel and structural equations were used to analyze the data with PLS software. The results showed no significant relationship between attribution style with sport orientation and sport attitude. However, there was a significant relationship between sport attitude and sport orientation. Also, regression analysis showed that the components of success and power were able to predict sport orientation. Priority of sport attitude was component of success, power and component of failure avoidance in first to third order. Model convergence validity and model divergence validity were also confirmed


Main Subjects

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