Document Type : Original research
1 azad univercity karaj
2 Azad univercity of karaj
3 Department of physical education and sport science, Yadegar-e-Imam Khomeini (RAH) Shahr-e Rey Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran,Iran
This research compares the psychological skills of the national team players in different disciplines over a period of twelve years. To this end, the 2006 study was considered as a reference. Samples are athletes from the national team who attended the 2018 Asian Games. The number of samples is 148 men and 31 women. The Ottawa Questionnaire (Omsat-3) was used to measure mental skills. The results of single-sample T-test showed that the mean of Relaxation, imagery and mental practice skills increased from 2006 and Knowledge and the athletes' use of these mental skills is greater. The average concentration of psychological skills, Focusing, Refocusing, Fear control, Stress Reaction and Self-confidence declined from 2006, Also, there was no significant difference between the mean of Goal Setting, Commitment, Activation and Competition planning in 2006 and 2018.These results are important for psychologists and sports planners, and they need to pay more attention to these skills.
Main Subjects
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