Document Type : Original research


1 Islamic Azad University

2 associate professor

3 full professor


In the present study, the direct electrical stimulation of the brain along with aerobic exercise on the consolidation of explicit motor memory was investigated. The study participants included 45 young people in the age range of 20 to 25 years who participated in this study based on the criteria for entering the study. The demographic questionnaire, Petersburg's sleep quality, Edinburgh's superiority, the chain reaction time timing test, the TDCS device and the pacemaker clock were used to collect data. The results showed that the subjects performed better in the third training block than in the first and second training blocks (P 050.05). Immediately after 1 hour, the aerobic exercise group and the control group had the best performance and the combined exercise group had the weakest performance. In the 48-hour reminder test, the combined exercise group performed best and the control group performed poorly. According to the findings of the present study, to increase memory consolidation, physical activity of aerobics and electrical stimulation of the brain is recommended.


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