Document Type : Original research
1 Arak Uni
2 Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, Faculty of Humanities, Arak University, Arak, Iran
3 Semnan University
The aim of the present study was to compare the psychological and physical symptoms of coronavirus anxiety (COVID-19 related anxiety) in people with high and low levels of commitment to physical activity. The research was a descriptive study with a causal-comparative design. The statistical population included 14-35-year-old adolescents and young people of Arak city in 2020. Employing the convenience sampling and using their scores in Commitment to Physical Activity Scale, two groups (n=30 in each groups) with high and low levels of commitment to physical activity were formed, and then, the scores of Corona Disease Anxiety Scale were compared (with subscales of psychological and physical symptoms of anxiety). The results of MANOVA showed a significant difference in the linear composition of dependent variables of the two groups. The results of ANOVA also showed a significant difference between the groups so far as the psychological symptoms were concerned, not the physical symptoms of coronavirus anxiety. Based on the results of the pairwise comparisons, the latter type of anxiety was higher in the group with low levels of commitment to physical activity. Finally, it was concluded that the exercise of and commitment to physical activity can be effective in reducing anxiety, particularly its psychological symptoms.
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