Document Type : Original research
1 Department of Physical Education, Gorgan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Gorgan, Iran
2 Master of Physical Education, Tehran, Iran
3 Department of Physical Education, Urmia Branch, Islamic Azad University, Urmia, Iran
The present study was designed and implemented with the aim of sociological analysis of the tendency towards martial karate sport with a theoretical model of Pierre Bourdieu. The theoretical model of the research was in accordance with the Pierre Bourdieu theoretical model, in which sports would exercise the social, economic, and cultural capital of individuals. The statistical population of this study is all karate athletes in Gorgan in 2018. According to Morgan sample size table, 285 people were identified as the sample of the study. The research instrument was a questionnaire based on the Pierre Bourdieu theoretical model. Structural equation method was used to analyze the research data. Structural model of research shows that the variables of sport reference model, economic capital, cultural capital of the family, social status of sport and family sport support have a significant effect on karate martial arts sport.
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