Document Type : Original research
1 Department of Physical Education, Sari Branch, Islamic Azad University, Sari, Iran
2 faculty of physical activity. alzahra university
3 Department of Motor Behavior, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, Yazd University,
The present study was designed and implemented to sociologically identify the celibacy in male athletes of national teams. Modernization perspective by William Good, Parsons' structural functionalism, Durkheim's functionalism, hackers' rational choice theory, Anthony Giddens's modernization, and Two-Tocqueville individualism were all used in the theoretical model of the research. The statistical population of this study included the national single-member sports teams in 2017. Using the availability sampling method, 156 individuals were identified and selected as samples. Pearson test results showed that there was a significant relationship between variables of celibacy, traditional lifestyle, modern lifestyle, religious beliefs, social distrust, fear of failure in marriage, unsuccessful marriage experiences among relatives, and financial-economic costs with materiality. No significant relationship was found with respect to the mass media. In general, the research variables were able to explain celibacy among the athletes.
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