Document Type : Original research
1 motor behavior
2 azad university
The purpose of this study was effect of instruction and motivational self-talk in covert and overt levels on muscular strength, physical self-concept and task of adolescent. The participants of this study were 50 girls with an average age of 15 ± 2.5. Participants were randomly divided into five groups (covert and overt instruction self-talk, covert and overt motivational self-talk and control group). Results for the muscular strength of front the thigh, twin, and right leg lunch showed that in fallow up test, covert instruction self-talk group had higher muscle strength than the other groups (P <0.05). For muscular strength of behind the thigh and left leg lunch variables, covert and overt motivational self-talk groups had higher muscle strength than the other groups (P <0.05). Overt motivational self-talk group had higher physical self-concept and task self-efficacy. Educators use instruction and motivational self-talk techniques on covert and overt to promote lower muscle strength, physical self-concept and task self-efficacy
Main Subjects
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