Document Type : Original research
Department of Psychology, Abhar Branch, Islamic Azad University, Abhar, Iran
The aim of this study was to compare the effectiveness of group semantic therapy and group metacognitive therapy on the resilience of female students. The method of this present study was semi-experimental. The statistical population was students of Azad University which, according to the statistics, was 120 people. Sixty people were selected as samples and were divided into three groups: mean therapy, cognitive therapy and control. The data collection tool was the Sobhan and Lajaz (2012) Sports Resilience Questionnaire. ANCOVA and ANOVA tests were used to analyze the data and the results showed that group meaning therapy has a significant effect on the resilience of the research samples. Group metacognitive therapy also had a significant effect on the exercise resilience of the research samples. The group meaning therapy played a more prominent role in improving resilience in the research samples than in group metacognitive therapy. Based on the results, it is suggested that sports administrators use sports psychologists in their environments to form stronger goals among their athletes.
Main Subjects
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