The Effect of Need - Supportive Environment on Anxiety, Visual Attention and Non-Athlete Students Performance

Document Type : Original research


1 Urmia University- Faculty of Sport Sciences

2 Faculty member of Urmia University

3 Payam Noor urmia University


The aim of this study was to determine the effect of need-supportive environment on anxiety, visual attention and non-athlete students performance. Subjects were 30 female students with (Mage=22.24±2/3) years who according to the research qualification and after the pre-test were randomly divided into two groups of need-supportive and control. Learners' anxiety was measured using the Mental Readiness Questionnaire, alpha wave was measured using a two-channel neurofeedback device, and performance was measured as radial error golf putting in the pre-test and post-test. The results of the analysis of covariance showed that the need-supportive approach had a significant effect on anxiety, alpha wave and golf performance. Cognitive and physical anxiety levels, as well as alpha wave and functional error in the need - supportive groupdecreased compared to the control group. Recent findings suggest that need-supportive educational style is an appropriate approach in terms of reducing anxiety, efficient visual processing and performance enhancement


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