Document Type : Original research


1 Organizational Loafing: Concepts, Effective Factors and Consequences

2 Assistant Professor of Sport Management, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University, Tehran, Iran.


The purpose of this study was to investigate the concepts, effective factors and consequences of organizational Loafing in Iranian sports organizations and sport federations. This study has a qualitative approach and we used the grounded theory as a research method. For gathering data we studied high level documents and we interviewed with 17 experts who were aware of this subject. The validity of this research was examined and approved by the interviewers and then expert professors. The reliability of it is %89 which was obtained by using the methodology of the interstitial agreement. For data analysis we used the continuous comparison method in three stages: open, axial and selective coding. The results showed that the factors of dissatisfaction, organizational loafing, structural change and reform, transformational leadership, teaching and learning mechanisms, monitoring and control mechanisms, nature of group, job and organization, nature of employee demographic, external and organizational climate factors, organizational culture and Increased performance and productivity were identified and extracted as effective components in organizational Loafing in Iranian sports federations and organizations. Based on these results, it is recommended that managers of sports organizations pay special attention to these factors


Main Subjects

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