Document Type : Original research


1 shahid beheshti university

2 Amirkabir University


The present study aimed to evaluate the quality of psychological skills by adopting some new dimensions and quantities in football. To this aim, 20 matches were recorded from the Iranian Premier League and AFC Champions League, while only those sequences of team behavior leading to a goal, and those in which the attacker team had at least 5 seconds of continuous ball possession were selected for analysis. Based on the results, the behavioral pattern of the attacking and defending teams had a coordinated and predictable trend. In addition, the quantity and dimensions of these patterns were analyzed based on the content of psychological skills. The results indicated that these patterns involved all of the dimensions related to what, when, where, and how in themselves. These dimensions were which widely used in psychological skills and played a significant role in recognizing the importance and sensitivity of psychological skills.


Main Subjects

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