Document Type : Original research study


1 ُssrc

2 lecturer - consultant


It is important to examine the emotional and cognitive experience of athletes to prevent psychological harm. The aim of study was to compare the strategies of cognitive regulation of sports excitement and psychological vulnerability of athletes in individual and team sports. The statistical population of this study consisted of all individual and team athletes. The research sample consisted of 120 individual athletes who were randomly selected from the population of individual athletes and 120 athletes in the team sports category were matched with individual athletes based on age, gender, and athletic background .The subjects were answered to cognitive-regulatory strategies questionnaire and sports excitement and psychological vulnerability (DASS-21). The results correlation coefficient showed that there was a significant relationship between the components of cognitive regulation strategies of positive sports emotion with Anxiety, Depression. Stress negative and significant relationship. Also Between the components of Negative regulation strategies of positive sports emotion with Anxiety, Depression. Stress, The total score of the questionnaire. Positive and significant relationship. The data were analyzed using correlation coefficient and multivariate analysis of variance. The findings showed that there was a significant difference between individual and team athletes in the components of disaster and blame for others, self-blame, intellectual rumination, depression and anxiety. The approaches that athletes use to regulate their emotions are important in determining their psychosocial vulnerability, and strengthening the adaptive strategies of emotional cognitive regulation should be considered as a goal for the prevention of mental health interventions and training programs. It seems that the approaches that athletes use to regulate their emotions are important in determining their psychological vulnerability, and developing the adaptive strategies of emotional cognitive regulation can serve, as a goal for the prevention and interventions programs to help the athletes to create the most appropriate emotional atmosphere during competition situations


Main Subjects

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