Document Type : Original research
1 Associate Professor of Sports Management Department, Faculty of Sports Sciences, Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran
2 MA of Sport Management , Alzahra University
3 Faculty Member of Sport Management Dep. at the Alzahra University
The aim of this study is the modeling of effective factors on aggression outbreak the Esteghlal and Perspolis fans. The research method was appliedal in terms of purpose. The statistical population consists of fans of Esteghlal and Persepolis football clubs. The sample size was 387 people based on Morgan’s table. The tool of the research is questionnaire that reliability and validity were confirmed. Smart PlS software was used for data analysis and model design. Findings showed that contextual factors had the greatest impact and Managerial and functional factors had the least effect on the incidence of aggression. According to the results the highest number of violent behaviors is in the age of 20-29, so "Emotion control and stress management" should be included in the educational titles of the Ministry of Education, universities, the Ministry of Sports, federations and clubs, So, that we can teach the principles and rules of going to the gym to teenagers and young people.
Main Subjects
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