Document Type : Original research study


1 Assistant Professor of Motor Behavior, Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University

2 M.Sc. of Motor Behavior, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz


Providing normative information to individuals may be a strong principle for evaluating their performance. The normative feedback improves self-efficacy, positive self-response, interest in task, and better learning. However, this study aimed to investigate the effects of normative feedback on individuals with high and low self-esteem in learning long badminton service. For this purpose, using random sampling method, 60 student males of Delfan Payame Noor University, were selected as sample. In order to homogenize the participants, a pretest which was consisted of 10 attempts was conducted. Based on obtained scores and Cooper’s Self-esteem Questionnaire, the subjects were randomly assigned into 4 groups. After twelve of acquisition sessions, Post- test and 48 hours after Post- test, Retention test were conducted. The findings showed that the positive normative feedback in participants with high self-esteem had a more facilitating effect on learning of long badminton service skill during acquisition and retention stages.


Main Subjects

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