Sport Psychology Studies by Sport Sciences Research Institute is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

  “Sport Psychology Studies”  journal was approved to be published with the letter of Journals Commission in Iran Ministry of Science, Research and Technology with scientific research grant since Fall 2012.

This journal is published as a quarterly.

The cost for acceptance and publication of the article: 200 thousand Tomans for allocation of DOI code and … for editing and layout.

Violation Notice: The person is subject to treat as indicated in International Instruction in Committee of Publication Ethics (COPE).

Copyright issues: Sport Sciences Research Institute has the full publication right for all published cases.

Authors’ rights: The name and email addresses of all authors are kept confidential and are solely used in journals of the Sport Sciences Research Institute. It would not be available for any other person of organization. More Info

Peer Review: The review system of the journal is confidential. More info

Indexes: In Islamic World Science Citation Center (ISC), Scientific Information Database (SID) in Academic Center for Education, Culture and Research, Noormagz, General Portal of Humanity Sciences, Google Scholar

Journal performance information in examining the articles:

Average of articles received: 200

Average of time allocated for examining the article: 114 days

Average of waiting time for publishing an accepted article: 6 Months

Original research

Original research

Review study

Original research

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